Stanley Lambchop was flattened by a falling bulletin board on a day that forever changed his life. His parents and brother were surprised, but they kept a positive attitude and made Stanley feel comfortable and loved. Stanley really wanted to visit some friends in California, but it's too expensive to fly or take the train. But since Stanley is flat, he can fit in an envelope and travel through the mail, which is exactly what he does.
And so began the Flat Stanley Project. Teachers, students, and Flat Stanley lovers all over the world have created their own Flat Stanley adventures! Mrs. Turner, a fourth grade teacher at my school, is keeping the project alive with her own class - which is why I received that Stanley-sized envelope in the mail today! Her students created their own flat people and kept a journal for two weeks. Now it's time to set their flat friends free to visit with someone else for a week. I'm so happy to be chosen! My Stanley will travel to Chicago with me over the weekend, walk along the river, go to a carnival, see some fireworks, maybe do some shopping, and much more! I'll be sure to post pictures after our vacation together. :)
P.S. So, you know how there's an app for everything? Yep, Flat Stanley has his own app too!